Distribution networks


In the process of building company’s strategy, the antimonopoly law is like a LEGO block when you properly place it beautifully fastens the structure, and if you forget about it, then stepping can hurt. Therefore, in COMPER, we focus on including elements of antitrust assessment in the process of creating distribution networks at the very beginning, so as to effectively eliminate the risk of violating antitrust law.

What can you do?

When the concept of creating or modifying a distribution network appears (or if you simply want to make sure that your distribution network is safe and sound from the antitrust side), it is necessary to conduct an analysis of compliance with competition protection regulations. As a result of such an analysis, you will receive information on the extent to which you expose yourself to antitrust risk, or financial liability.

What is the threat?

If by building a distribution network you fail to ensure compliance with competition protection regulations, it may turn out that as a result of antitrust proceedings, a penalty will be imposed on your company (up to 10% turnover) and you also can be exposed to financial liability (up to PLN 2 million). There is also an element of risk is the possibility of pursuing claims by stakeholders who have suffered damage due to your violation of the law. The last, no less important element of risk is the violation of your good name and market reputation.

What COMPER can do for you:

  • Prepare an analysis of the compliance of the distribution strategy with the rules of competition law,
  • Prepare anti-monopoly financial and economic modelling,
  • Develop modifications of strategic assumptions in the context of competition law rules.

Maciej Fornalczyk and Piotr Kulczycki together with the COMPER team can support you in this respect.

Distribution networks