Every public financing leaves a trace and it is extremely important to be able to diagnose whether your case will be at risk of State aid.
When starting a new investment, preparing a financial report, or preparing a project settlement, you need to know whether your company is a beneficiary of State aid. Or maybe you want to check what risk you are or will be faceing when taking over the management of the company? In each of these cases, you need a State aid audit.
Before you take any action, consider whether State aid will be present in your case. The next step is to conduct an analysis indicating the value of the aid and how to best manage this risk.
If you do not know whether a given financing constitutes the State aid, you may have to repay the support obtained. Refund with interest.
By engaging us to conduct an audit, you can be sure that the project will be carried out in accordance with the internal audit methodology, because the work will be carried out by Joanna Fornalczyk, PhD.